Lords of the Underworld

Long ago, twelve immortals warriors – each more dangerously seductive than the last -- stole and opened Pandora’s box, unleashing the evil from within. Now they carry that evil within themselves. Violence, Pain, Death, Disease, Disaster, Misery, Doubt, Promiscuity, Defeat, Lies, Secrets, and Wrath. When a powerful enemy returns, they will travel the world in search of a sacred relic of the gods – one that threatens to destroy them all.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tribute for Our November 2011 Member of the Month

Congratulations to our Torin for taking the victory and becoming our Member of the Month for November!

Here you will find several snippets submitted by Members of the Family to pay tribute to our Champion. Our beloved Torin, Keeper of Disease. If you would like to express your feelings towards our Man of the Month please feel free to comment on this post. We're sure he will appreciate all the attention *winks*

There once was this man from the Heavens.
He fucked up and helped release demons.
Now he pays for his sin, demon under his skin,
in solitude if not for his brethren.
~Anya, Goddess of Anarchy

Once again congratulations to our 2011 November Member of the Month.
We love you Tor!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Awesome updates!

I am happy to announce that a few more members have returned home to the Fortress.

@Lysander_Angel ~Bianka's Lysander has returned to her from his latest mission. The harpy couldn't be happier.

@Nike_VictoryGod ~Also, we've received word from our Goddess of Victory, Nike, that she is out there and looking for us all. Great news. In our current situation we can use all the allies we can find.

@Darrow_Ashlyn ~Ashlyn has returned home once again after a short vacation and now the Lords' nerves can settle down a bit (they were quite intolerable with worry).

@Skye_Blackstone ~Finally Sienna informed us that she has touched base with her sister Skye. Whether this will be a happy or reunion or not only time will tell.

Please welcome them back and follow. Our group is filling up quite nicely, just a few more spots to fill. If interested please check out the available roles on the 'RP Roles' section of our website 'clicky' and then contact @kaiawingshreder or @budapest_lords on Twitter.

Events Updates:

Also, the voting for November's Member of the Month will end this coming Monday. Due to technical difficulties if you still haven't had the chance to vote and would like to, we need you to do so here *points to right column, scroll down a bit*.

Maddox's Trivia contest is still running strong and will be ending the 21st of this month. So if you haven't entered, get to it! *grins*

Thank you all so much for your entries, votes, and being awesome followers in general. I hope you are enjoying our group *waves*

Friday, November 4, 2011

Contest and Giveaway - Round 2

Dear Fans, it's time for our next contest.
Since you all challenged our Strider, we want to start over with the "Lords of the Underworld" Series and have a look into every single book. We have thought for a long time what kind of contest we could do for Maddox, Keeper of Violence. In the end we decided that a Trivia would be a great thing.
So now it's your time.
Below I will post several questions. Most of them are from Maddox' book "The darkest Night", some are from other books and we also have a bonus question *winks*. They are all not really difficult to answer, so show us what you know. Please send a mail with your answers to either lotukaia@gmail.com or danika.allseeingeye@gmail.com - or post them below. But then don't forget to add your e-mail address.
The person with the most answers will win a Gena Showalter book of their choice. If there are several winners, we'll chose random. But it will always be fair. Promised.
Here are the Questions:

1. What's the color of Maddox's Butterfly?
2. How many stabs were given to Maddox every night?
3. Where did Ashlyn live before she met Maddox?
4. Who got taken after Torins throat was cut?
5. What was the name of the man who Ashlyn considered a father?
6. Please tell us the names of the Lords who lived at the Fortress in the beginning.
7. Where is the exact position of Maddox's Butterfly?
8. What made Ashlyn sick?
9. How did Maddox feel the first time he saw the other Lords?
10. Each Lord played a role in Pandora's demise & the opening of the box. What was Maddox'?
11. What was the name of the woman who told Ashlyn how to save Maddox?
12. Which Lords are bound to Maddox's curse, apart from him?
13. Who suggested to lock Ashlyn in the dungeon in the first night?
14. What did Danika give to Ashlyn when she got sick?
15. What kind of RP Outfits did Ashlyn have at her old home?
16. What kind of soap does Maddox use?
17. Which Lord held Ashlyn in his arms to prevent her from going near Maddox in the first night?
18. Who helped Ashlyn to escape when she got locked with Danika and her Family?

These questions are from other books, let's see if you know the answers *wiggles*:
19. What was the name of Kaias enemy (first and last name)?
20. What was the name of Scarlets and Gideons son?
21. What did it say on Nix's T-shirt when she made an appearence in The darkest Whisper?
22. Who did Aeron meet when he went to the heavens?

And here comes the Bonus question:
What are the names Gena Showalter mentioned for Ashlyns and Maddox's Twins?

The contest will end on Nov 21st and is - of course - open to everyone. The winner will be contacted. We wish you all good luck and have fun.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Member of the Month November

Dear Fans,
since our first contest is done and our last winner, Kaia, was praised by us and got lots of Attention, I'm proud to inform you that the next contest will start now.
Our Family suggested again a few Members and here are the Results:

Maddox: 5 
Cameo: 9
Tabitha: 4 
Torin: 12
Danika: 9
Sienna: 2

That means, our Finalists are @Torin_Disease, @CameoMisery and @Danika_Ford.
The Polls are now open and will be finished within the next 2 weeks (at least I guess). And please remember: Only vote once, that's just fair.
Happy Voting.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Interview with Kaia

Since she is Member of the Month, our Kaia deserved a little (okay "little" is not the right word) Interview. Tonight I had the chance to meet her and ask her several questions. If I forgot a question, please don't be mad. There were a lot and we needed more than 2 hours for the Interview. You can still ask below, just post a comment. But here it starts:

Ashlyn: So, since you are Member of the Month, you deserve this "little" interview. But before I ask you the questions, how do you feel about the decision of our fans to chose you?

Kaia: Oh I think it was a good choice, but then again we have all worked hard

Ashlyn: this is true. You have won against the keeper of Violence and me, his wife. I mean, that's a big thing
Do you think they voted for you because of your book?

Kaia: Probably and maybe for being so, funny

Ashlyn: Okay I see, you are anything but selfish laughs

Kaia: And maybe interacting with my fans posting things

Ashlyn: That could be. Kaia, can you tell me how you feel about the Lords? 
And be honest ;)

Kaia: Oh, I love the lords all of them especially the one that loves red hots 
I love picking on paris, he's unpredictable
Sienna and cameo crack me up and I love torin and his blow up doll

Ashlyn: What about their Ladies?
I mean, you have had some problems with Haidee - at least it seems like

Kaia: I am pretty close with danika but, I get along with all of them except I don't interact too much with Haidee
 Ashlyn is pregnant so, I don't see her much I was pretty busy with the harpy games. And it allowed me to spend time with my sisters and I found love with Strider

Ashlyn: And we are all happy to have you there. It's always fun to see you and Stridey together
The fans can't imagine our Life at the Fortress. Maybe you can tell them a little bit about it. And please don't mention the always nervous Maddox *blushing*

Kaia: Well, we are like regular people just more advanced. We, play jokes on eachother we play pool, cook
Argue with each other we are a big happy family
But, don't fuck with anyone of us, there are circumstances 

Ashlyn: :D yes and we have stupid enemies, lol

Kaia: Yes, our enemies which is messed up because we do have to watch our backs

Ashlyn: Oh my god *thinking 'I can't believe that he wanted me to ask this question'*.... Maybe you can tell us a little bit about your night with Paris

Kaia: .Oh boy!
Well, there's nothing to tell, we were playing games I got bored and we had sex it was nice but, we did manage to become better friends after that. And we have had eachothers back in fights.

Ashlyn: Okay, I know that will be your favorite question. Can you tell us anything about Strider?

Kaia: Yes, I love that guy, I have had feelings for him along time now, I was trying so, hard to get him to love me back. And the night with paris caused him to stay away from me in a romantic way, I was jealous of his attraction towards haidee, I wanted him to feel that way about me
We, have battled side by side but, I wanted more I guess with him coming with me to the harpy games as my consort. I think that had made us realize we belong together. And no I am never letting him go

Ashlyn: That's good - you deserve to be happy

Kaia: But, I love when he plays practical jokes on paris and william
And on how close they have become

Ashlyn: Oh yes, William... What are your feelings for him? Since you two are related it has to be complicated, I guess.

Kaia: Ewwwww!

Ashlyn: *laughs*

Kaia: The fact that he use to flirt with me all the time and to find out he's my great uncle. That's weird
But, he does have a good heart he tries to come off as a person that doesn't care but, he does especially how he is with Gilly

Ashlyn: Do you personally think they both will end up together?

Kaia: I know he's trying to fight his feelings because of her age, but he's different around her. Yes, I do think they will once she becomes an adult

Ashlyn: Let's see how it will continue :)
Okay, Maddox and I (well, mostly Maddox) have asked the other Family members if they have any questions for you. 
Geryon wants to know how you felt about taking over the leadership

Kaia: I'm shaking in my books
Oh! Man to be honest I really didn't want the job. But, there were things that I wanted to do with the group so, now I am honored it was passed to me. And I am trying my best to give this group structure and creativity and everyone is putting in effort.

Ashlyn: I know it's hard work and I don't want to be in your situation, to be honest.
Okay, Maddox asked: What do you like about being a harpy?

Kaia: Oh I love that I can fly, being so, strong especially being stronger than the lords. The fact that my father is the pheonix and I can blaze asses when mad. I kind of like stealing food from my family in the house. Especially when they had that mouth watering taste and bam kaia snatches it out of their hands.
So, funny and when I say don't mind if do

Ashlyn: You indeed don't make it easy for the Lords. But they need to see that there are even women stronger *laughs*

Kaia: Yes, not my fault that I'm a harpy

Ashlyn: The next question comes from Zeus and is about your Human
He asked "Why did your human join LOTU?"

Kaia: Well, actually I had my sights on black dagger brotherhood but wasn't experienced as a rper gwen took me as I was. And I am so, glad she did. It was the best decision because I really love this family. When some of us went through a group change and I was crushed. So, crushed because the ones I was close to didn't say bad. But, one of them made a statement to me and said that lotu wasn't the group for me, but, you know what listening to that made me strong and this group had turned around in a lot of ways and I am loving this family 
Its not a group to me anymore its my family.

Ashlyn: *sniff* Oh your words make me cry

Kaia: Sorry

Ashlyn: no it's okay :)
before my room turns into a lake, I will ask you the next question
Dominic wants you to describe the woman. He didn't tell me what woman sigh - I guess he meant Kaia

Kaia: Well, I'm a good person but, I do have my mean streak and I protect who I love

Ashlyn: and you do that very well - really, no one dares to mess with you or your harpy
Lucifer asked: What would you do if you met me?

Kaia: Oh wow maybe ask questions on why him and uncle willie have issues

Ashlyn: This question was mean :P
Tabitha has 2 questions - one for you and one for your human
Kaia, do you think you and your mother will ever be able to work things out?

Kaia: Yes, it will take time she was around the fortress for a bit, but she made my life hell after the big mistake I made I was only 14 when I did what I did and I have always felt bad for causing so many deaths to my race. And the harpy games I know was a set up but, became a strong woman. And my mother saw that in me. I felt bad that I defeated her but, I was proving a point. And I got that crossed. I want that love from her and I am glad I am not known as kaia the disappointment.

Ashlyn: That was a horrible nickname and I feel with you.
Okay, her second question is: What made you choose the role of Kaia to RP?

Kaia: Funny like I said earlier gwen took me in knowing that I had never read the books and she gave me a list to choose from and I chose kaia cuz I liked the name and its close to my human name. And when she said we were sisters I was proud cuz she gave me a chance. And now, I see how kaia is and I am so, much like her and I think, well hope that I do her enough justice that the author is proud of me as well.

Ashlyn: I bet she is
Scarlet asked: What is your proudest moment?

Kaia: Falling in love with strider and becoming his. Finding gwen and this family

Ashlyn: Anya wrote: The house has been pretty quiet lately. So I want to see you get all McGuyver with your harlot harpy ass... I give you a pack of thumb tacks, a roll of duct tape, set of permanent markers, and a polaroid camera. What do you do to stir up some anarchy in our home sweet home?

Kaia: Awwww! Man I would target torin and cameo

Ashlyn: *falls down laughing*

Kaia: I would duct tape cameo and torins hands so, that can't touch them selves just look and staresat eachother
And I would duct tape siennas mouth

Ashlyn: Oh maybe I should ask Siennas question now, because she wants you do tell the world why SHE is your favorite member of the Fortress

Kaia: Who said she was?

Ashlyn: she

Kaia: She's my least favorite
 Sienna is cool now, the fact that she was a hunter but, now she's one of us. Its funny how she escapes from the heavens to come visit us.

Ashlyn: *clears throat* Danika wrote "For Kaia's human:
How has being a part of this group affected your life?"
And Pandora added: "I know that she has been through a lot of challenges both in RL and RP but she's not letting these discourage her... What makes her want to go on and continue?"

Kaia: to answer danika what has changed is the fact I met a lot of cool people who I can now, call family. My rl has been very crazy what know ones is I'm doing this interview in the hospital I had a an operation early this morning I was pregnant in my tubes and I was taken care of before any real damage and all of this makes me stronger because I am a part of a great gang.

Ashlyn: Why didn't you say anything? I feel guilty now. So sorry for you

Kaia: That's the thing I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me that's why

Ashlyn: you know how I am
Torins question is very interesting: "Does your Harpy have a name, and if so, what is it. If she doesn't have a name, What would you name her if you could?"

Kaia: Yes I named my harpy strakaia

Ashlyn: :D Okay
Paris wants to know: If you had to choose between your sister Bianka and Strider (in a life or death situation), which one would you want to choose and why?
Woah that's mean!

Kaia: Okay! I would rather take my own life if I have ever had to make a choice like that. I would never choose. If they were in danger I risk my own life to save them both at the same time.

Ashlyn: you have a good heart *nod*s
William asked: "My question
Panties, thongs, boys or commando?"

Kaia: I don't wear underwear ask strider but, when I do wear stuff like that I wear panties to make strider work hard to take them off with his teeth. Oh strider is my boy and commando wrapped up in one.

Ashlyn: ;) Good answer
The last question belongs to Cameo
"Why do you always go to Alaska?"

Kaia: Oh boy! I'm sad no Strider questions

Ashlyn: I'm so sorry

Kaia: I have a apartment out there in alaska and that's where I go to get away with Strider

Ashlyn: Now we all understand. We should ask Lucien to flash us there to tease you *giggles*

Kaia: Haha I know right.

Ashlyn: Oh fuck! Always too late!
yeah, Strider had a question... got it just now.
"When we gonna start having all those babies she promised me?"

Kaia: Yay smiles
Hahaha well, if I had it my way I would start now, having little strakaias running around. But, its up to the amazing showalter to decide. *frowns*

Ashlyn: Hihi, first the Twins, then we will see.
Kaia, thank you so much for the interview, for your time and your patience. Nobody earned that one more than you *hands you a big basket full of fruits, snacks, sweets and Wine* It's laced with Paris' Ambrosia, he gave it to me yesterday.
The last words are yours. Do you have anything you would like to tell your fans and/or the Family? Then you can do it now

Kaia: Well, I just want to have the opportunity to thank my followers who did pick as the winner, my amazing family, and miss showalter who wrote a great series to role play. This is a great book and I am honored to even have the chance to play a great role like kaia. I am stoked about tomoro when my husband gets to fulfill his challenge. And last but, not least to my redhot sexy ass hat your amazing *blows kiss*

Ashlyn: So we're done, phew.

Kaia: Okay. You did great
I wanna add one more thing

Ashlyn: of course

Kaia: I wanna thank Ashlyn for doing this interview we all, know she is carrying two babies and it must be hard. I love ya' girl.

And I love you, Kaia. And I hope you'll have fun with your goodies.




Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Planned SLs

Hey there,
I just wanted to inform you, that we, the Budapest Lords, will play two SLs on the following weekend.
The first one will be the winning Contest of our Strider-Challenge. Don't miss is and follow us on Twitter. It will be hold on Saturday, Oct 31st, at 11:30 (PST) or 20:30 (CEST - GMT+2). Links to our Twitter accounts can be found here.

Our next Storyline will be played one day later at 2pm (PST) or 10pm (CEST - GMT+1 <--- Don't forget, we poor Europeans switch to Wintertime on Sunday *winks*).
The Storyline will be about Pandora and Baden, and if you can't follow, you'll be able to read it on our Website later.

Another thing: If you follow our Storylines, please remember not to interrupt our Players. Thank you so much and have Fun.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tribute to Kaia

Okay, since Kaia is the Winner of our Contest "Member of the Month", I've tried to get some Informations about her. The winner should be praised, am I right? Well, here it comes - the 

Tribute to Kaia_Skyhawk (Twitter) or Kaia Skyhawk Budapestlotu (Facebook) - or simply: Kaia *winks*

As you know, Kaia Skyhawk is the Twin of Bianka Skyhawk and a very strong (*cough* and naughty *cough*) Harpy. She appeared for the first time in Sabins book, "The darkest Whisper" when she tried to "rescue" her sister, Gwendolyn, from the evil demon-possessed Warriors. During the next books we didn't hear a lot of her. Only that she had a very intense Night with Paris, Keeper of Promiscuity. 
In Amuns book "The darkest Secret" we found out that she had an Interest in Strider, Keeper of Defeat. And now she has a Main part in her and Striders book "The darkest Surrender", where we finally can learn more about her. 
Shame on me, I'm still reading the book and I won't spoil anything, don't worry. All I can say is that she is related to Lucifer, Prince of Darkness, that she is a great fighter, funny, very cheeky and... of course naughty (yeah Kaia, punish me, I deserve it).
On Twitter their followers love her because of her funny Tweets; it's fun to read about her Pranks.

She always did a lot for the group, helped when she could and always wanted more *sighs* sometimes too much for me *hides herself*. She was - like me - one of the first Group-member, had to suffer when the Group was split and helped to rebuild everything. Now we are better than we have ever been. For that reason our first Leader, Gwendolyn Skyhawk, named Kaia to one of the both Recruiting Admins. 
Since Gwen stepped down from her Leadership a few weeks ago, she gave the group to Kaia.

Did you always want to know some private things about her? Well, I will tell you a bit - but better you ask her what you want to know *winks*. The Player of Kaia is a very lovely person. She cares for those who she loves at least tries to help. She has a really handsome family - and I don't say that because I love them myself.  She went through a lot of things during the last months and still can manage to be online. And that's what we all love about her. Here are a few Statements I received from our Family:

"I love Kaia vulnerability.  It is what makes her special.  Her unbendable loyalty makes her awesome." (Torin)
"I like when she grabs peoples food and says dont mind if I do" (Geryon)
"I love that shes annoying. And when she says dont mind if I do." (Maddox)
"My thoughts are how dedicated she is to our family, and how she's trying to be creative.
Her rl issues and shes still trying to hold us together" (Lucifer)
"Her practical jokes" (Markus, Hunter)
"Im not on a lot but I like her quotes" (Dominic & Micah, Hunter)
"I see her as a bundle of mischief just waiting to explode LOL  shes fun, quirky and snappy...what do i hate about her?  havent seen anything yet that gives me reason to hate her for it...dont know her long enough either so nothing" (Cameo)
"I like the way she is funny and lighthearted." (Amun)
"Just that she great as both her character and as a person.
She very willing to help new members and her SL are very addictive." (Bianka)
And Scarlet wrote:

"Kaia from Scar (character):

I have only recently had the pleasure of meeting the Harpy Warrior and my impression of her is pure fire, she is a warrior that I would be proud to both go into battle behind and to have at my back.  She is passion personified and I adore her spirit and loyalty to those she loves.

Kaia from Nicole (reading the books):

Kaia is fun, cheeky mischievous, loyal and a true fighter, she makes me laugh and I love the way she always seems to be two steps ahead of everyone.

Behind Kaia (the person):

I am in awe of her positive attitude after everything she has battled, I love the way she works hard to help our family grow and have fun - she possess many of the qualities of Kaia, loyalty, determination and a never give up attitude."

I think that's enough, isn't it?
You can still post your Thoughts about her. Just comment below.
All I can say is: Kaia - we love you as you are. Never change!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Latest Changes (Open/Filled Roles)

Hey there,
I wanted to inform you about the latest changes in our group.
First the bad news:
Due to several personal issues some of our beloved Family members had to leave us.
So the role for:

- Gideon
- Galen
- Taliyah

are open now. If you like to play one of these characters, please let us know. Contact @Budapest_Lords or @kaia_skyhawk on Twitter or send a message to Kaia Skyhawk Budapestlotu on Facebook. Thank you.

The open Roles are at the moment:
- Gideon
- Lysander
- Taliyah
- Galen

Now the good News:

Our strong Keeper of Pain, @Reyes_Pain to the Fortress. He came along with @Anya_Anarchy (this role needed to be replaced due to Inactivity).
@Bianka_Skyhawk is also back now.
And don't forget, that Cameo owns a new Account now. You will find her under the name @CameoMisery

Great Review

Hey there,
I've been told that someone has written a great Review of "The darkest Surrender". And honestly I don't want to keep it to me. So here's the direct Link to the blogpost. 


Remember: If you have your own blog and decide to promote our group, please let me know. I will put your blog in our Blogroll and promote you in return.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Member of the Month - And the winner is...

Dear Family, Friends and of course Fans,

the Polls are now closed. During the last two weeks you could vote for your Favorite both, on Facebook and here. Our Event-Team just checked everything and counted the Votes. And the Results are:

Ashlyn: 13 Votes
Maddox: 15 Votes
Kaia: 31 Votes

The Winner of our first Member of the Month Contest is therefore:

Kaia Skyhawk Budapestlotu

Congratulations, dear. You deserved it. 
Within the next days she will get her own Blogpost and a few other goodies. Stay tuned. And if you have any questions to her, please leave a comment or send them to me via Twitter. Since she is the Winner, she also needs to do an Interview *grins*.
The next Poll will start next month (at least I guess). 

Our Event Team is working hard to keep you entertained, so prepare yourself for upcoming Events. And please don't forget to challenge Strider and win a copy of "The darkest Surrender". The Blogpost can be found here

Take care.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Filled Roles - Update

Hey there Family and Fans,

due to a few changes I've updated the List of our filled Roles on Twitter. Please make sure to follow everyone of our group. Thank you.
Here's again the link:

Budapest Lords

Monday, October 3, 2011

Contest and Giveaway

Hello LOTU fans!
Today we want to start a little contest. The winner will get a copy of the newest Lords of the Underworld book,
The Darkest Surrender.

You don't need to do a lot. The fact that Strider is the Main-character of that book let us decide to do a Challenge contest. If you ever wanted to challenge our Keeper of Defeat, then it's now your turn. 
Just leave a comment and post your challenge. And the most creative challenge will win. Promised *grins*
The contest will end after three weeks, so don't miss your chance.

Have fun.

P.S. Forgot to add: The contest is open NOT ONLY for the States and Canada, but also for Europe.